Friday, March 11, 2022

Its Time

full image - Repost: Its Time (from, Its Time)
To take the power back from central authority whose main purpose is to tax us and turn private property into public property. They take our money and give it to the non working, interfere with our lives, manipulate us in to subservience. Its disgusting. Paying people to have kids and stay home and consume. Won't a digital currency be perfect for the USA? they can just mint a quadrillion coins and detach from debt, spread it out and make an instant universal income. in case you haven't noticed federal tax can be used on abortion again and pays the lost classes of non producing people to remain that way. War is coming, people continue to flood across our the signs.Use monero wherever you can and generally crypto to conduct all business between each other and where possible. Talk to your neighbors and make a plan. they actually even think like you, even if you don't know it yet. Buy gold, silver, tools, and guns. make a supply of water and fuel, even if its modest.tough times are coming. starve the beast, take its money.

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Fone, cloud PHONE MINING cod. dhvd1dkx - Mintme, PC PHONE MINING

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