full image - Repost: EFF: ICE Illegally Obtained Bulk Financial Records from Western Union (from Reddit.com, EFF: ICE Illegally Obtained Bulk Financial Records from Western Union)
TLDR:"For more than two years, HSI [a unit within DHS’s U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)] used administrative subpoenas to acquire millions of financial records from two companies... Western Union and Maxitransfers Corporation......asking that they turn over all records for money transfers over $500 to or from California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Mexico. ...In response, Western Union and Maxi provided 6.2 million financial records, including personal information such as names and addresses, to HSI. All of the information was entered into a database called Transaction Record Analysis Center (TRAC)...This practice presents real-world harms to people who, for good reason, would like to keep private the transfer of money and the identifying information that goes with it.Sharing financial and other personally identifying records of domestic violence survivors, asylum seekers, and human rights activists could expose them to danger, particularly given that TRAC allows hundreds of law enforcement agencies unfettered access to these records..."Full article: https://ift.tt/Qnc8aLW
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