full image - Repost: Beginner to XMR (from Reddit.com, Beginner to XMR)
Guys, i am pretty much useless at this digital currency, i have no cash whatsoever, no moneros and i am wondering how would i go about getting a free starter bit of coin, like maybe 1 usd or 1 gbp worth of monero to have in the wallet?? //////i don't want to be clicking like 20,000 links all day to get a few dimes or pence, i do intend to lend the monero out once i get maybe half a coin together, on one of these sites like a stock exchange, and let it grow from there, i am also going to add maybe 5 gbp worth of monero to the wallet or total every month so i will have a full coin in a few years maybe, i know it is not much but this really interests me and it will be a good thing to keep an eye on and see how the price goes up and down in coming months. Anyways i hope someone can help, i have a wallet on my PC right now but is a phone wallet a better option for me??? And would anyone know of a site thatallows me to donate monero bits for stuff like ukraine or such things in the future? Hope someone can help, thanks.
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