full image - Repost: Why should I activists use XMR today if quantum computers can retroactively deanonymize their transactions 5-20 years down the line (from Reddit.com, Why should I activists use XMR today if quantum computers can retroactively deanonymize their transactions 5-20 years down the line)
With quantum computers being 5-20 years away (see sources at bottom), it seems as if transactions made today could just be deanonymized by nation states in 5-20 years. Let's say you're an activist or journalist that China or Russia really wants to deanonymize. Assuming they have the machines (which is a big assumption, but follow me), they'll find the time to deanonymize you. Sure, they'll spend a lot of time cracking more sensitive info like nuclear launch codes, but I don't believe that they can't spend a few hours or days focusing on high level targets, especially since a state actor has the capacity to manufacture many of such quantum computers.Sure, we could implement a a "switch" that activates if and when quantum computers can break pre-quantum encryption, but that still screws over journalists and activists who used monero for secure transactions in years prior. It's a moot solution for anyone who has already made a transaction.Since their transactions could be retroactively deanonymized in a post-quantum world, and they'd certainly be a target worthy of the quantum computer's time, what purpose does monero even hold? Things like this don't hold a statute of limitations in authoritarian nations.https://ift.tt/EQ2TpGH
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