full image - Repost: Problem with synchronizing Monero GUI wallet to a local node (from Reddit.com, Problem with synchronizing Monero GUI wallet to a local node)
As the title says, I have issues with downloading the blockchain to create a local node. I don't know if I'm doing this the right way. It is taking forever... I'm stuck halfway trough. my internet speed is decent (DL at 1-2mb/s), and yet i have gone from 54% to 58% in like 2 days! That's 2% a day!! it has taken about 40-50GB already and still I'm just halfway through. Is it really supposed to use up around 100Gb?I read somewhere that the entire blockchain is only about 37GB, so I feel like I'm doing something wrong here? Have I chosen the wrong height? since Mymonero fucked up i was moving my mnemonic seed. and I read that I should set the height from the date that I created my account, so I set the height from 1/April this year. Is that why I have to download so much?I would rather like to use my own local node instead of using a third-party remote node that everyone is warning about. But this is a bit much for me for just a crypto wallet :/ is it really supposed to take a week (probably more) to DL and use up over 100GB? just for a wallet?
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