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CryptoNumber of users mentioning itBTC Bitcoin200ETH Ethereum87MATIC Polygon47DOGE Dogecoin39LTC Litecoin39SOL Solana31OP Optimism29XCN Chain22XRP XRP21ATOM Cosmos17ADA Cardano15ETC Ethereum Classic13XNO Nano13CEL Celsius12BCH Bitcoin Cash11BNB BNB9TWT Trust Wallet Token9SHIB Shiba Inu8T Threshold6ALGO Algorand6NEO Neo6CRO Cronos6USDT Tether6AR Arweave6XLM Stellar5OMG OMG Network5BAT Basic Attention Token5USDC USD Coin4ERG Ergo4MIOTA IOTA4DAO DAO Maker4BUSD Binance USD3SYLO Sylo3NEXO Nexo3ICP Internet Computer3MASK Mask Network3JST JUST3META Metadium3DASH Dash3DENT Dent3LINK Chainlink3ICX ICON3ARK Ark2XMR Monero2NEAR NEAR Protocol2EOS EOS2WTC Waltonchain2STORJ Storj2VET VeChain2QNT Quant2Brought to you by Cryptos Alerting
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