full image - Repost: So for years I've noticed someone is buying or creating reddit accounts just to make Anti-BitcoinCash comments. But this account takes the cake. (from Reddit.com, So for years I've noticed someone is buying or creating reddit accounts just to make Anti-BitcoinCash comments. But this account takes the cake.)
Here's the proof that just yesterday this account started calling BCH a shitcoin, but a day ago it was doing the opposite: https://ift.tt/v5TWeBL after checking their account and not even a day earlier, they were actually recommending BitcoinCash, saying "I think if you own Bitcoin you should at least own some of the better payment alternatives such as Dash, Monero, and Bitcoin Cash." And "Worst case scenario is a world where there's a need for it's usage. Then it would soon become clear there's better alternatives like Dash, Bitcoin Cash, Zec, and Monero."Proof:https://ift.tt/BFflJSp here's the original thread.https://ift.tt/w6tjOKC aren't normal people, these aren't normal accounts. I can only assume they forgot what account they were signed into, or didn't check the post history of the account they bought and they are almost certainly running numerous accounts. Someone is spending an incredible amount of time creating or buying accounts and fighting not just BCH but many coins challenging Bitcoin or challenging fiat.
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