Tuesday, March 22, 2022

How can I open the wallet again?! Sounds ridiculous I know

full image - Repost: How can I open the wallet again?! Sounds ridiculous I know (from Reddit.com, How can I open the wallet again?! Sounds ridiculous I know)
Hello,Yesterday I downloaded the Monero GUI wallet and did set it up as described. Today as I tried to transfer Monero to the wallet I couldn't not find a way to open the wallet (Mac).I looked in the Finder and only could find the Key-File. ("Mac/user/MyName/Monero/wallets/MyName")

Bitcoin, Cryptotab browser - Pi Network cloud PHONE MINING
Fone, cloud PHONE MINING cod. dhvd1dkx - Mintme, PC PHONE MINING

Coinbase.com - Stex.com - Probit.com

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