full image - Repost: Updated ledger before updating GUI wallet . No access ! (from Reddit.com, Updated ledger before updating GUI wallet . No access !)
So I’m currently using a ledger to store my monero, and using a GUI wallet. I hadn’t accessed it for 2 years, and tried to send some to my cake wallet, changelly etc. the transaction went through but would end up failing after pending for half an hour. Therefore I tried to update both the GUI wallet along with the ledger live app. (Was on 17.3) I have tried to update through my monero.com twice to the latest 18.0 update, but does not seem to be happening. I updated the monero app on my ledger and now it does not allow me access to the GUI wallet. It’s telling me to update my ledger but I know the issue is the other way round.. any idea what I should do ? When I updated the GUI wallet it said it could t automatically close the apps which I forced , was this maybe a cause ?
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