full image - Repost: [H] Ancient Hearthstone EU account [W] Payoneer, Monero, Wise (from Reddit.com, [H] Ancient Hearthstone EU account [W] Payoneer, Monero, Wise)
Asking price: $300 USD. You may leave offers in this thread.Preferred payment methods: Payoneer, Wise/TransferWise, cryptocurrency (Monero first choice). PayPal is inaccessible to me.If you're looking to play Wild, this is it. I've been actively playing on this account since 2014. The only missing adventure is Blackrock Mountain. There are many prized cards for all classes and most archetypes across multiple sets;. The Path of Arthas has been bought as well. If you want to create content or homebrew fun or fringe decks, I reckon you won't need to spend more than 30k dust to craft obscure techs and archetype staples, making this a fully viable account for experimenting, streaming and personal enjoyment. Do note that the NA server is untouched. This Battle Net account was used solely to play Hearthstone on the EU server.There are a total of: 649 craftable Epics and 374 craftable Legendaries, including Classic/Legacy.Figures represent otherwise craftable/dustable event rewards, dual-class cards, Battle Pass rewards, duplicates from Battle-Ready packages, free cards and such, excluding cards that are impossible to craft/dust (e.g., Galakrond, C'thun and temporary Core Set copies). Classic cards share the same pool with Wild cards, but some of them have different texts. Additionally, Legacy sets are permanent & never-changing. Thus, they're considered unique.In addition to default cosmetics, the account also includes close to 90 extra portraits; more than 130 card backs; 13 extra coins; plenty enough dust to craft more than 12 Legendaries. The numbers may fluctuate due to frequent patch cycles introducing buffs and nerfs, cards getting crafted and dusted for refunds. Beware that information I deem identifiable and can be tied to my account won't be shared. Respect my discretion and I will respect yours. Contact to discuss details.You may view the collection here
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