full image - Repost: What kind of hobbies could I look into after the merge? (from Reddit.com, What kind of hobbies could I look into after the merge?)
Let's say that I wanted to put only ~$1000-$2000 dollars into building a machine that I could put to work. That rules out pretty much all ASICs, and I'm not convinced that there will be any proof of work hashing will be able to break even after Ethereum is no longer mine-able. Monero mining comes to mind, but it's pretty much not-profitable.I'm not looking to actually make money here, I just want to break even with something or other. I want to do it because it's fun to set up a build, get it running, pick a pool, and monitor and maintain the hashrate. I won't do it if it doesn't break even, but if it only broke even and didn't make any money, I still wouldn't mind putting some time toward it just for the fun / hobby factor.Could there be a way that lots of ether-rigs could be pooled together to serve as a distributed super-computer? That way, people (mostly scientists and researchers) could pay the pool to process data without having to gain access to Summit or another centrally located super-computer.The super-computer thing is just an idea of course. I've also thought about doing the /r/homelab thing, but I don't know enough about networking for that to really make sense. I'm also already a bit of a /r/datahoarder. What are some fun hobbies kind of similar ethermining that people can do after the merge?
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